This report has a number of options which will determine the form of the report. The option that determines the overall style of the report is if it is given by student or by subject.
If by subject is selected then for each assignment in a subject a list of students that missed the assignment is given. This form is intended for use by the teacher.
If by student, then for each subject a list of missed assignments is given. This form is intended to be sent home.
In both report forms you are given the option to have all missed assignments listed or only assignments with given on or after a date you supply.
You are also given the option to have reports generated for all students and/or all subjects. If all students is not selected, you will be asked to select a student. If all subjects is not selected, you will be asked to select a subject.
Some customization of the report 'by student' is available through a 'Options...' button on the dialog. Changes are saved in the data file and stay in effect until changed again. Available options are:
◊ Include a due date for missed work. The due date must be supplied each time reports are generated.
◊ Include a place for the parent signature.
◊ Include a place for the student signature.
◊ Include a reminder of the highest grade late work can receive and what grade is given for missed work. Both must be supplied when this option is selected.